Friday, October 12, 2012

30 Things (28)

What is your love language?

First, let me just say that I LOVE the book and the idea of the 5 Love Languages. I read it at MNU in my marriage and family class and it's one of the things I definitely took and applied outside of the classroom. It's definitely not just applicable to romantic relationships - I've found a lot of use in discovering love languages of my friends, coworkers, and basically anyone you spend time with.

If you aren't familiar with the love languages, they are words of affirmation, receiving gifts, quality time, physical touch, and acts of service. I'll just say that it is not hard to make me feel loved. Some people think it's hard to please me... but it's really not. I love love. I love making other people feel loved and it is nice to feel that in return.

I have a little bit of all of the love languages in me - but quality time and physical touch are tied for my primary "love language." (I took a quiz about it a few weeks ago!) Don't get me wrong, I like getting gifts - especially if it's something that someone put a lot of thought into. Words of affirmation are nice, but I've found that words without action are more harmful than love-inspiring. Acts of service... eh. I really do love serving others, but this is just not something that makes me feel loved.

So - quality time. This, for me, means doing just about anything that is engaged and involved with the other person. It could even be watching TV, if it's something we both enjoy and can talk about. Mostly it means talking - lots and lots of talking, asking questions, listening to the other person, laughing, etc. As far as physical touch is concerned - this one was kinda surprising to me. I don't typically enjoy touch - there are really only a few people who I want "in my bubble" - but once I started thinking about it, it made more sense. I want the touch only on my terms. I show love by touching, too - my friends, family - through hugs, putting an arm around them, pats on the back, etc. The physical touch really applies to very few people, in certain situations - you're probably gonna get punched if you just come up and try to hug me. Fair warning.

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