Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Thankful Tuesday #1

In an effort to kick-start this blog and give it some sort of direction, I'm going to try to match up each day of the week (probably four-ish days/week) with a certain type of post. I've got the Thursday Rant down. And Fabulous Friday. Tuesdays are going to be my "thanksgiving" day - a list of things I'm thankful for that particular day. The rest you'll just have to anxiously await. :)

So today, in no particular order, I am thankful for...
* Two beautiful, healthy, smart, funny kids.
* People who still love me when I'm definitely NOT being lovable. Especially when they're not required to.
* That we got a printer/copier/scanner at work, even though it doesn't work yet.
* That I wasn't left for dead by the printer/copier/scanner delivery men when I let them in the old office to see if the old copier was there for them to take. (It wasn't, in case you're curious.)
* Raegan's BFF Anna and her mom/my good friend, Sherry.
* That our office is finally starting to come together. My amazing staff, who have taken the transition and new-office-craziness and my disconnect from work due to those things in stride. And a boss who makes sharing an office tolerable. I won't say good, because we're only one day in, but my attitude about it has definitely improved.

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