Monday, August 28, 2017

30 Days [2]

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and how they became fears.

I don't remember all three I put last time, but I know number one was on the list. Number three is pretty personal, so I know it's a risk to put out there, but there's no sense in writing without being vulnerable.

1 - losing one of my kids. It's a horror I can't fully comprehend, but I do know I've had more experiences related to this fear since the last time I answered this question and I'm almost obsessive about it.

2 - clowns. I just don't like them, they're creepy and weird.

3 - I can't think of another specific fear, but I have a lot of anxiety about ... well, basically everything. Being left, not doing a good enough job, making wrong decisions, finding out I can't trust people I thought I could... I'm not entirely sure when this switch happened because I used to be super (maybe overly) confident. Probably the first time I really remember feeling this was around the end of my junior year of college, when a relationship (and much, much longer friendship) ended, that I didn't expect. It skewed my view on a lot of things - and I don't know that I ever effectively dealt with all of the mess that went along with it. I'm still confident in most things, most of the time, but I do clearly recall a time in my life where I didn't have a care in the world and things just seemed a lot easier. I'm working on getting back to that version of me.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

30 Days [1]

[1] list 20 random facts about yourself

1. I love flamingos!
2. I have the smartest and funniest children 😍
3. My favorite TV show is "The Golden Girls."
4. I love onion rings but can't stand onions in any other form.
5. My dream job is to be a flight nurse.
6. I really wish I was musically talented.
7. I could eat Mexican food every day!
8. I LOVE reading but don't make enough time for it anymore and need to start doing that.
9. I almost always believe the best in people, even when it's to my detriment.
10. It takes a LOT for me to be just completely done with something/someone, but when I've reached that point, there is no turning back. I'll forgive and move on.
11. I hate clowns. A lot.
12. I want to become fluent in sign language.
13. My second dream job is to start my own non-profit to do research in child welfare.
14. If I won the lottery, I would still work, but on my own terms.
15. I joke about not liking people a lot, but I fiercely love my tribe. My family, "chosen family," and few close friends are the most important part of my life.
16. I am a major introvert. I like being alone, but not being lonely.
17. I have a borderline obsession with personality tests and learning about personality types.
18. I want to get tattoos to honor each of my grandparents who have passed - my grandpa Hummer's Army 71st Infantry symbol, grandma's handwriting that says "I love you," and a bomber for grandpa Jim.
19. I've had the same best friend since first grade. That's 28 years!!
20. I love playing card games with my family!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

30 Days, again

I am THE WORST with writing. I need to, I want to, I have so much in my head all the time that it needs to come out somehow. Knowing I do better with a list, I decided to do 30 Things in 30 Days again. I did this five years ago and so much has changed since then ... I think it will be interesting to compare some of the answers.
For tonight, since I have to be up in 5.5 hours, just the list is getting posted. :)

1. List 20 random facts about yourself. 
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears. 
3. Describe your relationship with your parents. 
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could. 
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now? 
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced? 
7. What is your dream job, and why? 
8. What are 5 passions you have? 
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how. 
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment. 
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have. 
12. Describe a typical day in your current life. 
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have. 
14. Describe 5 strengths you have. 
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? 
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments? 
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at? 
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive? 
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why? 
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood. 
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first? 
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? 
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them. 
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now. 
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong? 
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why? 
28. What is your love language? 
29. What do you think people misunderstand most about you? 
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.