Monday, August 28, 2017

30 Days [2]

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and how they became fears.

I don't remember all three I put last time, but I know number one was on the list. Number three is pretty personal, so I know it's a risk to put out there, but there's no sense in writing without being vulnerable.

1 - losing one of my kids. It's a horror I can't fully comprehend, but I do know I've had more experiences related to this fear since the last time I answered this question and I'm almost obsessive about it.

2 - clowns. I just don't like them, they're creepy and weird.

3 - I can't think of another specific fear, but I have a lot of anxiety about ... well, basically everything. Being left, not doing a good enough job, making wrong decisions, finding out I can't trust people I thought I could... I'm not entirely sure when this switch happened because I used to be super (maybe overly) confident. Probably the first time I really remember feeling this was around the end of my junior year of college, when a relationship (and much, much longer friendship) ended, that I didn't expect. It skewed my view on a lot of things - and I don't know that I ever effectively dealt with all of the mess that went along with it. I'm still confident in most things, most of the time, but I do clearly recall a time in my life where I didn't have a care in the world and things just seemed a lot easier. I'm working on getting back to that version of me.

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