Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Before 30 Bucket List *update*

Last year I posted a list of things I wanted to do before I turn 30... this is just an update of where I'm at with those. (Spoiler alert - I have a LOT of work to do in the next 6 months and 3 days!)

* See baseball games in at least two stadiums I've never been in. (A step toward my total bucket list goal of seeing a game at every stadium.)
This one is probably not going to happen, unless I count minor league, but that does not help my lifelong bucket list goal! I have zero plans to go anywhere that is home to a MLB team that I haven't seen this year and currently do not have the funds to plan such a trip.

* Travel to a city I've never visited.
This one WILL be happening! Several times over, in fact. The plan, if all goes well, is to drive to Las Vegas later this year. I'll see FIVE states I've never been in (Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas) with short stops in a few major places just to say I've been there. Sidenote: I recently found out that there is an In-N-Out Burger in Vegas, and along with seeing my bestest friend (obviously) and a Margaritaville margarita, these are my only goals to accomplish while there! 

* Take the kids on a vacation.
Again, YES! I was responsible with my income tax return (bills and new clothes for the kids - a decent amount in both quantity of items and amount spent unlike my spending on their fall clothes last year) but I did treat us to season passes to Silver Dollar City and we're making our first trip in March. The kids have been before, but Jax doesn't remember it at all and Raegan was pretty young, so I'm really excited to share what was one of the best parts of my childhood with them! 

* Read at least 50 new-to-me books. (The counting starts today. I'm reading "Shine Shine Shine" by Lydia Netzer at the moment... and it's weird. I might have to back-burner this one to get started on this goal!)
Read 50 new books... I definitely have a book list going but with significantly less time to read these days, I'm not sure I'll get to 50. I am planning another post on my book list. (My current "read since September" total is at an embarrassingly low 8 new-to-me books. I have re-read others in that timeframe but I'm not counting those.) I have 38 more on my list and welcome any suggestions. :)

* Write two blog posts per week, but will be happy with one.
Clearly I have sucked at keeping up this blog. 

* Find a meaningful, logistical way to volunteer my time/talents (I have no treasure!) to the community.
My original plan was to get involved with Headquarters in Lawrence, which is a national calling center for suicide prevention. The training is INTENSE - hours every Sunday for several weeks following an extensive two-day training session, and with my schedule with the kids, it just wasn't feasible. I haven't found another option yet... so again, taking suggestions.

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