Tuesday, July 29, 2014

30 days 'til 30!

So... one month from today, I turn 30. Sadly, I have made little-to-no progress on my Before 30 Bucket List. You might remember I posted an update waaay back in February. This post is really just a "I'm still alive and you should wait for a BIG post" that will be happening later this week, but since it's exactly one month until I was hoping to have these completed, why not check back in? :)

Goal One was to see baseball games in two stadiums I've never been in. This definitely won't be happening any time soon. I haven't even made it to the K yet this season! Ash and I did get to go to a Cardinals game earlier this year, though, so I'll at least see my two fave teams this year since we have a trip planned later.
Goal Two: see a city I've never visited. Sadly, this won't be happening. Our road trip to Vegas is being postponed indefinitely.
Goal Three: MET! We took the kids to Branson around spring break and they had a great time. It was a whirlwind couple of days but still fun.
Goal Four: Read 50 new-to-me books. Not met. Hoping to have more time for reading soon!
Goal Five: Write two blog posts per week. ... it's been like one every three months so...
Goal Six: Find a meaningful, logistical way to volunteer my time/talents. I need this one to be accomplished soon. I'd also like to do something that the kids can be involved in!

I'm hoping that by the end of the first year of my 30s I will have made more steps toward accomplishing most if not all of these goals - and hopefully adding some new ones!

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