Tuesday, October 9, 2012

30 Day (26)

What popular notion do you think the world has wrong?

The most "wrong" thing I can think of in modern society is that most people think they have to voice their opinions about everything and feel like they have the right to be listened to. Yes, everyone, me included - hell, me especially sometimes - likes to voice their opinions. I have a LOT of opinions on a variety of subjects, but even I, with my loudmouth, think-I'm-right-all-the-time attitude, know that most of the time, nobody gives two shits what I'm saying. And I'm fine with that. It's these people who butt into someone's personal life, inserting their opinions about one's lifestyle choices, friends, actions, thoughts, etc. that drive me completely crazy. Then, as if it's not bad enough that the person is "up in one's business" - they have the audacity to be upset when one does not listen to one word they're saying, doesn't take their advice, or gets mad because the person is nosy/rude/out of line. Here's an idea - stay out of my business. :)

This is more plainly seen in cases like the 9/11 attacks and other acts of violence like that. One person or group gets an idea and when things don't go as planned... bad things happen. I just don't understand how it's so hard to leave people be - to love who they want, live how they want, make their own decisions, quit judging, and just be kind. Have your opinions, thoughts, convictions, beliefs - but share them nicely, be respectful, do it with love.

Rant over. :)

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