Thursday, July 31, 2014


Eight years. What can be said about the past eight years of my life? It's a longer time frame than anything I've been involved in to this point... and tomorrow, it comes to an end. 

Tomorrow is a day that I have thought about often over the past several years. For most of that time, I never thought about it as an actual possibility and never thought I would want it. Other times, I wanted it more than anything. A few (very scary) times I thought it would be forced on me, against my will. But now it's here, and I have been bouncing between emotions like a maniac. Happy and excited; scared and sad; nervous, anxious, anticipating. Tonight, I really cried about leaving for the first time. I can't tell you how hard it is to leave, yet how excited I am about something new and different.

Over the past eight years, I have been a Resource Family Worker, a Resource Family Supervisor, and most recently, a Foster Care Supervisor (that's a lot of new business cards!). I have written more logs and reports than I could count. I've held babies, supported foster families, loved kids, transported kids, moved kids, been to court, sat through countless meetings, had a cat hump my leg (traumatizing, I'm telling you), laughed, cried, shared necessary and probably inappropriate humor with my coworkers, recruited, trained, licensed, been trained, learned how to respectfully put someone in their place, earned my Master's degree, thought I was being let go, had to let others go, sat in the hospital and doctor's office with sick kids, and been through more changes than I ever thought I could survive. But I did. 

I have worked for one company, under one supervisor/director, for my entire post-college-adult-grownup life. Without being too sappy, because neither of us like that, she taught me how to be a good social worker. A good coworker. A good supervisor - how to support my staff and keep my expectations high and just be there for the people I work with. Most importantly, she's been a great supporter and friend. I have met and gotten to know some of the best people in the world. Foster parents I have worked with, children they've taken lovingly and diligently care for, will be forever etched in my mind and on my heart. The vast majority of foster parents have hearts the size of the universe. Especially recently, foster parenting has had a shadow cast over it, but from experience I can tell you that foster parents are GOOD people. They provide something that many of us will not or cannot do. As with any job, you grow closer to some than others - they ask about my kids, my life, offer dinner or cinnamon rolls during visits... And the kids - some of those kids just melt your heart and give you the feeling that you would take them all home if you could. My coworkers - honestly I can't even think about leaving them without ugly crying, which nobody wants to see - these people are THE BEST. Until you've done this work, you have no idea how much of yourself gets caught up in it, and the people I work with (and those I've worked with in the past) lay it all on the line. You have no idea how much you depend on the others who do what you do to get you through the rough times - they get it in a way that nobody else can. My current crew - Devin, Lora, Bitty, Christine, Toletha, Monica, Jennifer... amazing, flexible, resilient, awesome people and great friends. I could list countless others who influenced and shaped and taught me, and tell you all the amazing things about them, but the internet would implode. You know who you are, and I thank you for everything. 

So, for reasons both professional and personal, I am leaving this behind to start a new adventure. Still in social work, but on the opposite end of the age spectrum. Tomorrow, I will go into my office as an employee for the last time. Turn in my badge and cell phone (I will NOT miss that ringtone) and laptop. Grab what little I have left at the office (it was a multiple-box job packing up). Next Tuesday, I will start over, taking the knowledge and resilience and adaptability I've learned over the past eight years, and hope that my new career leaves as much as an impact as this one. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

30 days 'til 30!

So... one month from today, I turn 30. Sadly, I have made little-to-no progress on my Before 30 Bucket List. You might remember I posted an update waaay back in February. This post is really just a "I'm still alive and you should wait for a BIG post" that will be happening later this week, but since it's exactly one month until I was hoping to have these completed, why not check back in? :)

Goal One was to see baseball games in two stadiums I've never been in. This definitely won't be happening any time soon. I haven't even made it to the K yet this season! Ash and I did get to go to a Cardinals game earlier this year, though, so I'll at least see my two fave teams this year since we have a trip planned later.
Goal Two: see a city I've never visited. Sadly, this won't be happening. Our road trip to Vegas is being postponed indefinitely.
Goal Three: MET! We took the kids to Branson around spring break and they had a great time. It was a whirlwind couple of days but still fun.
Goal Four: Read 50 new-to-me books. Not met. Hoping to have more time for reading soon!
Goal Five: Write two blog posts per week. ... it's been like one every three months so...
Goal Six: Find a meaningful, logistical way to volunteer my time/talents. I need this one to be accomplished soon. I'd also like to do something that the kids can be involved in!

I'm hoping that by the end of the first year of my 30s I will have made more steps toward accomplishing most if not all of these goals - and hopefully adding some new ones!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Book List

My book list is super extensive... I'm going to keep this updated with what I've read and what books are on my list. Other suggestions are welcome!

"Gone Girl" - Jillian Flynn
"Look Again" - Lisa Scottoline
"Falling Together" - Marisa de Los Santos
"Brain on Fire" - Susannah Cahalan
"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" - Ransom Riggs
"The Light Between Oceans" - M.L. Stedman
"Hush Little Baby" - Suzanne Redfearn
"Divergent" - Veronica Roth
"Insurgent" - Veronica Roth
"Allegiant" - Veronica Roth

WANT TO READ (& have access to because my sister or I have them!)
"Tell the Wolves I'm Home" - Carol Rifka Brunt
"Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend" - Matthew Dicks
"The End of Your Life Book Club" - Will Schwalbe
"13 Reasons Why" - Jay Asher
"The Happiness Project" - Gretchen Rubin
"The Perfume Collector" - Kathleen Tessaro
"The Fault in Our Stars" - John Green
"Hollow City" - Ransom Riggs

WANT TO READ (but need to find/check out/borrow)
"Orphan Train"
"Garden of Stones" - Sophie Littlefield
"The Mourning Hours" - Paula Treick DeBoard
"The Edge of Never" - J. A. Redmerski
"Beautiful Ruins" - Jess Walter
"Push" - Sapphire
"Me Talk Pretty Some Day" - David Sedaris
"Sophie's World" - Jostein Gaarder
"Life of Pi" - Yann Martel
"Invisible Man" - Ralph Ellison
"Catch 22" - Joseph Heller (re-read)
"The Train" - Georges Simenon
"The Beautiful and the Damned" - F. Scott Fitzgerald
"Never Let Me Go" - Kazuo Ishiguro
"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" - Jean-Dominique Bauby
"Cat's Cradle" - Kurt Vonnegut
"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" - Mark Haddon
"Invisible Monsters" - Chuck Palahniuk
"White Oleander" - Janet Fitch
"Middlesex" - Jeffrey Eugenides
"Play it as it Lays" - Joan Didion

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Before 30 Bucket List *update*

Last year I posted a list of things I wanted to do before I turn 30... this is just an update of where I'm at with those. (Spoiler alert - I have a LOT of work to do in the next 6 months and 3 days!)

* See baseball games in at least two stadiums I've never been in. (A step toward my total bucket list goal of seeing a game at every stadium.)
This one is probably not going to happen, unless I count minor league, but that does not help my lifelong bucket list goal! I have zero plans to go anywhere that is home to a MLB team that I haven't seen this year and currently do not have the funds to plan such a trip.

* Travel to a city I've never visited.
This one WILL be happening! Several times over, in fact. The plan, if all goes well, is to drive to Las Vegas later this year. I'll see FIVE states I've never been in (Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas) with short stops in a few major places just to say I've been there. Sidenote: I recently found out that there is an In-N-Out Burger in Vegas, and along with seeing my bestest friend (obviously) and a Margaritaville margarita, these are my only goals to accomplish while there! 

* Take the kids on a vacation.
Again, YES! I was responsible with my income tax return (bills and new clothes for the kids - a decent amount in both quantity of items and amount spent unlike my spending on their fall clothes last year) but I did treat us to season passes to Silver Dollar City and we're making our first trip in March. The kids have been before, but Jax doesn't remember it at all and Raegan was pretty young, so I'm really excited to share what was one of the best parts of my childhood with them! 

* Read at least 50 new-to-me books. (The counting starts today. I'm reading "Shine Shine Shine" by Lydia Netzer at the moment... and it's weird. I might have to back-burner this one to get started on this goal!)
Read 50 new books... I definitely have a book list going but with significantly less time to read these days, I'm not sure I'll get to 50. I am planning another post on my book list. (My current "read since September" total is at an embarrassingly low 8 new-to-me books. I have re-read others in that timeframe but I'm not counting those.) I have 38 more on my list and welcome any suggestions. :)

* Write two blog posts per week, but will be happy with one.
Clearly I have sucked at keeping up this blog. 

* Find a meaningful, logistical way to volunteer my time/talents (I have no treasure!) to the community.
My original plan was to get involved with Headquarters in Lawrence, which is a national calling center for suicide prevention. The training is INTENSE - hours every Sunday for several weeks following an extensive two-day training session, and with my schedule with the kids, it just wasn't feasible. I haven't found another option yet... so again, taking suggestions.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


It was pointed out to me recently - and to be fair, not-so-recently and long ago and even before THAT - but it was acknowledged recently, that I have a problem being fully present when I'm with people. This little tidbit was stated in anger wrapped in love, by someone whose opinion I value immensely and who is one of the most important people in my life. And even though it had been said before - for some reason, maybe the presentation or maybe it was just the right time for me to LISTEN to what was said instead of just hearing it - it sank in this time.

I don't have a hard time with introspection or seeing my flaws for what they are - I do, however, have a terrible track record with handling criticism of my personal shortcomings from others. Hence why it took awhile for me to understand that I actually do have an issue with this. I also have a problem with feeling disconnected - I think that's pretty common for people these days - the total freak-out-meltdown-complete worry that comes with not being able to get in touch with someone immediately or sooner. I worry that if I don't answer my phone or text I will miss an important call (someone died! someone needs help! something's wrong! - never worry that I'll miss out on something GOOD, apparently) and the world might come screeching to a halt. Anyway, the two tie together and I feel the need to immediately answer any text or phone call that comes through.

So. I don't believe there's any good in acknowledging a problem or apologizing for it if you have no intention of at least attempting to fix it. I've been working on being more present - but know there is still room for improvement. Since all of my other resolutions (give up pop! give up sweets! lose weight and fit into a bridesmaid dress is four months!) have fallen by the wayside... THIS is my hurdle to jump. I am a type of person who needs an official start date for these things and have set March 1 as the launch date. I also have to have "action steps" to really get myself going with something, so here they are:
1 - when I'm with my kids on weeknights after work, my phone/computer is pretty much off limits. Work will be the only conflicting issue here (and with basically everything else) but since I only have to be on call once every 8 weeks or so, it's not a huge deal. So if you need me before about 830p on weeknights... well, too bad.
2 - when I'm with friends/loved ones and we are intentionally spending time together, texts/calls/Facebook will wait. (those times when people are sitting around because they just have happened to land at the same place for the time being are obviously going to be flexible - ex: my sister and I at my gmas and she's on the computer and gma is watching TV...) I'm talking about putting my phone on the back burner during quality time with people.

I've been trying to practice these things even though it's not March 1 yet - and I will tell you, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. My kids notice. I've gotten positive feedback from others. It's a throwback to the "good ol' days" when you had to wait to get home and check the answering machine to know if someone had called you! Very retro. And most importantly, it puts my focus where it should be.