Saturday, September 22, 2012

30 Days (23)

I'm skipping 22, which is about how you see your life in 5, 10, and 15 years. Envisioning the future, especially specifics, is not one of my strengths. Even if I know exactly what I want, there are times I have no idea how to get myself there. So, since I'm running the show here, I'm not gonna do it!

List 5 hobbies and why you love them. I'll just start by saying I definitely don't have five hobbies. =)

1. This shouldn't be a surprise, because I've talked about it in probably half of these posts! But reading is definitely my number one hobby.

2. Spending time with my friends. I have a few friends in/around Chanute that I hang out with sometimes when we are all free and always have a good time. The three people I wish I could spend a lot of time with all live hours away. It takes a lot of planning or luck or random opportunities to get out of town to see them and I think it sucks. =) But it does make our time together more special.

3. Using the computer - mostly I do this because I'm bored or trying to avoid doing something else, like sweeping the floor or folding laundry. I'm not on a real search for information or anything, just passing time, which is really a waste of it. But I'm going for honesty here, so there ya have it.

Told you I didn't have five! While this blog has been fun, it's also been making me realize my life is kinda boring. Next up: changing that! =)

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